Should it be caught in a bad mood, Wigglytuff will inflate itself to an enormous size in order to scare away its opponent. It competes with other Wigglytuff to see which one can inflate itself the most. While it is inflated, it is able to move by bouncing or floating. It has no limits to how far it can inflate. Wigglytuff can inflate itself up to 20 times larger. Its body is soft and rubbery, allowing it to inflate by inhaling. It is proud of its fine and delicate fur. It sheds seasonally, and people gather the fur to spin into yarn. As a result, Wigglytuff is a highly sought after Pokémon because of its bouncy body and fur. This fine layer of fur is so soft that those who touch it, including other Wigglytuff, will not want to stop. It is covered in pink fur with a white belly. Its large, blue eyes are covered in a layer of tears that quickly washes away any debris. It has long, rabbit-like ears with black insides and slightly lighter color at the tips. There is a fluffy, curled tuft of fur on its head, which is described as perfectly heavenly.

Wigglytuff is a balloon-like Pokémon with leporine features, a bean-shaped body and stubby arms and legs. 3.6 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team.