It really isn't that difficult and took me less than one evening, as an AP newbie, (but is easy now that I've learnt how and will save me a huge amount of time going forward) to design my photo travel book templates from the designs I found online (I searched with Google and then clicked Images).

I hope this story inspires others to dive into 'Master Pages' creation. I do have two issues however, I wish that Ī) that the Master had an 'exclude pages' in the Apply to Pages dialogue box so I could apply to the majority but exclude those I don't want it used on (maybe there is a simple way to do this and I'm missing it) and ī) I could apply a newly created Master to a page already designed without removing the images and text (so I could then re-assign them to the new elements) though I guess I'm just being lazy and could create a new facing pages spread and just copy/drag the text / images to it. So after watching a number of videos on how to produce Masters, and then creating contact sheets (see sample attached - I created four of these) to use as design inspiration, I created 8 Masters (and will likely add more) that are working great (attached below, some with just sample text in the Text Boxes), note I've added images so that each Master layout is easier for me to recognise, it's easy to swap out the images for new ones. Frankly the three provided in the current offer are far too basic for my use, though maybe useful for some as a starting point.

The story goes like this : I bought the program and then was also surprised and dismayed to discover that no templates were included.

I also wanted to support Affinity if possible (I have Photo too, though mostly use other programs except on an iPad where Affinity Photo is excellent) and their price point encourages that. The free version of which is far too limiting for large projects whilst the full version is far too expensive since it costs double AP and also has a recurring annual fee) all whilst having far fewer features. I'd been trying to design my 120 pp photo travel book (of my photographic travels through 9 Asian countries, and also 3 'Zines' on aspects of my adopted 'home' city of Shanghai) on Canva. This forum has been invaluable as an 'information/how to' resource since I downloaded the trial (then bought the full program) about 10 days ago.